OMED 2023 Self-Study Course Pediatrics
Enjoy at your own pace the Pediatrics program presented at OMED 2023. These diverse, state-of-the-art lectures are given by leading authorities and are ready to be watched or listened to whenever it’s convenient for you – commuting, at the gym, or just relaxing.

Created for frontline physicians, the presentations you’ll experience will not only help you stay up to date but will be directly applicable to the care that you provide your patients.
The OMED23 – Pediatrics self-study course was created from the actual course presented at the annual 2023 hybrid conference. You’ll be able to enjoy both the video and audio versions while earning AOA Category 1-A CME credit and experience the course as if you actually had attended.

Earn Up to 12.5 AOA Category 1-A CME Credits!
OMED 2023 – Pediatrics
Course Topics
Nephrotic Syndrome/Post-Strep Glomerulonephritis
Nisha Mathews, DO
DURATION: 56 minutesAutoimmune Kidney Diseases
Nisha Mathews, DO
DURATION: 1 hourDermatologic Manifestations of Renal Disease
Anais Aurora Badia, DO
DURATION: 1 hourIntro to Visceral Manipulation, Kidneys, and Thyroid
Hope Tobey, DO
DURATION: 1 hour, 5 minutesOMT for Dysmenorrhea and Pediatric Pelvic Complaints
Joanne Kramer, DO
DURATION: 26 minutesVitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders
Monica Mortensen, DO
DURATION: 43 minutesPediatric Thyroid Disorders
Monica Mortensen, DO
DURATION: 50 minutesDermatological Manifestation in Thyroid Disorders
Anais Aurora Badia, DO
DURATION: 26 minutesSmall Patients, Big Questions: Ethics in Pediatric Medicine
Mara E. DiBartolomeo, DO, MPH, FAAP
DURATION: 52 minutesPDA Management in the Preterm Infant: Trends in Management
Courtney E. Wein, DO, MS
DURATION: 35 minutesA Clinician’s Guide to Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing
Lauren P. Thompson, DO
DURATION: 36 minutesVaccination Antibody Response Augmentation Using OMT
Robert W. Hostoffer, Jr., DO, FACOP, FAAP
DURATION: 46 minutesPediatric Headaches: An Osteopathic Primary Care Approach
David M. King, DO, FACOP
DURATION: 58 minutesCaring for the Pregnant Teen: What a Pediatrician Should Know
Kristi Herbst Dively, DO
DURATION: 44 minutesImproving Equity and Access in Childhood Oral Health: What Can Pediatricians Do?
Puneet Tung, DO, FAAP
DURATION: 42 minutesHow to Serve as a Physician Advocate
Jason Jackson, DO, FACOP
DURATION: 48 minutes
Course Faculty
Couldn’t participate in OMED 2023? You’ll find the self-study program to be a great way to experience this series of expert presentations when and where you want.
- Don’t miss family/work obligations
- Avoid the expense and hassles of travel
- Available in a variety of formats to suit your needs
- Approved for AOA Category 1-A CME credit
Self-Study CME Accreditation
AOA designates this activity for a maximum of 12.5 AOA Category 1-A CME credits. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Target Audience
This activity is for osteopathic physicians and other health care professionals.
Learning Objectives
After completing this activity, learners will be able to:
- Highlight the evidence on new, revised, and standard treatment approaches for a variety of medical conditions as they relate to physicians
- Review revisions in clinical practice guidelines and evaluate clinical practice implications
- Describe updates in clinical decision tools for screening and differential diagnosis of diseases