OMED 2022 Self-Study Course Occupational and Preventive Medicine
Stay up-to-date with the latest information in Occupational and Preventive Medicine from the comfort of your home or workplace. Watch or listen to a diverse series of leading-edge presentations by recognized authorities on your own time and at your own pace.

The presentations you’ll experience have been especially focused on the needs of front-line physicians and will allow you to gain additional important insights to help optimize the care of your patients.
The OMED 2022 – Occupational and Preventive Medicine self-study course was created from the actual course presented at the annual 2022 hybrid conference. You’ll be able to enjoy both the video and audio versions while earning AOA Category 1-A or AMA PRA credits and experience the course as if you actually had attended.

Earn Up to 19 AOA Category 1-A or AMA PRA Category 1 Credits!
OMED 2022 – Occupational and Preventive Medicine
Course Topics
Current Impact of Diabetes and PAD
Zachary Arthurs, MD
DURATION: 1 hourThe 2022 Monkey Pox Epidemic
Megan May, MS, PhD
DURATION: 1 hourLong COVID: What We Know Through 2022
Megan May, MS, PhD
DURATION: 1 hourSystematic Review and Metaanalysis on Overtime Work on Health Outcomes
Howard Teitelbaum, DO, PhD, FAOCOPM(d)
DURATION: 1 hourRepetitive Strain Is No Accident: How Ergonomists, Patients and Physicians View Repetitive Strain Development
Thomas McCoy, DO
DURATION: 1 hourMilitary Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) Specialty Leaders’/Consultants’ Update
Scott Everson, DO, MPH
Carl Werntz, DO, MPH, FAOCOPM
DURATION: 1 hourResponding to Workplace and Active Violence: Application of a Threat-Based Medical Approach; Violence Against Healthcare Workers; Tips and Tricks to Handle Care Until Help Gets There
Geoffrey L. Shapiro, EMT-P
DURATION: 3 hoursResponding to COVID-19 Effects on Pilot Mental Health
Christopher Flynn, MD
DURATION: 1 hourVision and Intracranial Changes in Long Duration Astronauts
DURATION: 1 hourSleep, the Third Pillar of Health
John Caldwell, PhD
DURATION: 1 hourApproach to OMM in the Seated Patient
Jose Figueroa, DO, FAOCPMR, FAAPMR
DURATION: 1 hourCausation Determination in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
DURATION: 1 hourManaging Worker Expectations of the Return-to-Work Timeline
Leslie Cadet, MD, MPH
DURATION: 1 hourObstructive Sleep Apnea and Your Heart
DURATION: 1 hourWhat They Didn’t Teach Us in Med School – How to identify Addiction in Pain Patients and What to Do Next
Michael Sprintz, DO, DFASAM
DURATION: 1 hourAcute Injuries and the Fascial Distortion Mode
Angela Lim, DO
DURATION: 1 hour
Course Faculty
Couldn’t participate in OMED 2022? You’ll find the self-study program to be a great way to experience this series of expert presentations when and where you want.
- Don’t miss family/work obligations
- Avoid the expense and hassles of travel
- Available in a variety of formats to suit your needs
- Course content accessible 24/7
Self-Study CME Accreditation
The American Osteopathic Association designates this program for a maximum of 19 AOA Category 1-A credits and will report CME credits commensurate with the extent of the physician’s participation in this activity.
The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The AOA designates this internet enduring material for a maximum of 19 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.*
* AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ are accepted by the American Osteopathic Association as AOA Category 2 credits.
Target Audience
This activity is for osteopathic physicians and other health care professionals.
Learning Objectives
After completing this activity, learners will be able to:
- Highlight the evidence on new, revised, and standard treatment approaches for a variety of medical conditions as they relate to physicians
- Review revisions in clinical practice guidelines and evaluate clinical practice implications
- Describe updates in clinical decision tools for screening and differential diagnosis of diseases